May 29, 2008

In The Presence of the Lord

Eric Clapton, pretty much my favorite as many of you know, wrote a song called “Presence of the Lord” that he recorded and played in the Blind Faith days. I recently found out He admits that the song isn’t really all that “spiritual” as he put it. Instead the song is about the feeling he got when he first visited Hurtwood Edge, a house that became his first real home in Surrey.

The chorus says

“I have finally found a place to live.

Just like I never could before.

And I know I don’t have much to give

But soon I’ll open any door.

Everybody knows the secret,

Everybody knows the score.

I have finally found a place to live

In the presence of the Lord.”

No matter what Clapton meant by it, today it spoke to me about finding the comfort of home in the presence of God and God alone. Rob Bell reminds us that all ground is Holy Ground, but sometimes we just need to be reminded like Moses was. And Andrew Peterson sings, “Love is just another word for home”.  Amen and amen, however there is a comfort and homeliness of really living in to what God has “called” or “made” you to do.

Since leaving my home of 18 years to go to college back in the day I have lived a lot of places; dorm rooms, apartments, friends couches, in my car (not really but you can imagine, right?!), and it recently ended with the purchase of a rockin’ house. Each place has seen me doing many different things…all ministry related but varied and different. I have loved every minute of it and wonderful things have come my way at each stop.

But now…Now is a time I have longed and prayed for since the awkwardness of spending that first night in the dorm room away from everything I had ever known. I finally feel like I am coming Home. Around every corner the past few weeks I have found affirmation that I am not crazy and the things I feel God calling me to do are not bogus or stupid. These confirmations have come in lots of shapes and sizes. My house is finally starting to feel like a home, and I am enjoying seeing visions I had when I bought the place come to life. God is teaching me lots about gratitude and appreciation daily. Plus to top it all off… I feel more comfortable in my skin now than I think I ever have.

God is so faithful and as I open doors and uncover secrets, I am abiding in the presence of the Lord and I am home!

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