April 8, 2009

Spring Cleaning?

Okay listen (or read). What the heck is spring cleaning for? Let me propose something...
I don't ever clean during the "spring" times. I usually find myself cleaning during the dark or winter times, and I think this speaks volumes to the human condition. Maybe it's just the way I am wired. I am more of a feeler than a thinker... Thank you Myers Briggs. When spring time rolls around I'm feeling the sun shine and life. I'm watching things grow up fresh and I'm out in it. There is no cleaning; just going and doing and living. 
I think we (I at least) do all the cleaning in the dreary times to simulate the stable times. I can see that little Zoloft bubble bouncing across my imagination because I think our whole generation has social anxiety disorder. Are people really watching closely and constantly enough that you have to seem perfect at every turn?
Example. This past weekend I received some news. The kind of news that makes you want to vomit but you can't because you can't even breath. I made my humble attempts at processing and prayer and continued to go along with this thing in my gut. When I got home guess what I did... I cleaned. I cleaned my room. I washed all the dishes and there hasn't been a used dish in the sink since. I washed my car...really?! Yes really. And I did loads of laundry. No pun intended. 
Why? What good does that do? None really. I just had to get all the ducks in a row that I had some control over. "Look at me. I have everything under control. It's all good." And it seems to me that Christians are the worst at this. Hmmm.

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